Aligning Your Personality with Your Soul
A Journey to the Soul Retreat
Live Virtual Event with Gary Zukav
September 21 - 22, 2024
Take a 2-day journey into more joy and meaning.

Aware of the species-wide transformation in consciousness?
Ready to look inside of yourself and evolve in new ways?
Committed to creating with love instead of fear?
This interactive, immersive retreat gives you the tools to create authentic power in your life.
The only thing that stands between you and a life full of joy and meaning are the choices you make. When you commit to creating authentic power in your life, you commit to looking inside yourself, distinguishing between love and fear, and choosing to create with love no matter what is happening inside of you or outside of you.
When your personality comes fully to serve the energy of your soul, that is authentic power.

I am excited about the possibilities that we can cocreate this September. I invite you to experiment with these simple teachings and see what they produce in your life.
Something very special happens in the intentional space of these retreats that Linda and I cocreated, and I look forward to sharing this experience with you. Please join me for this unique opportunity to grow spiritually as we create authentic power together.

The ideas in The Seat of the Soul have been inspiring millions of individuals throughout the world to use the countless opportunities that life brings us to create authentic power and spiritual partnerships.
Gary Zukav will guide you through an experiential learning retreat that will provide you with the tools to create authentic power in your life.
During these two days of teachings, experiments, meditations, Q&A’s, soul-to-soul connections, and more, you will learn the tools to:
- Understand the new consciousness and what’s required of us to evolve.
- Learn about emotional awareness to distinguish between love and fear within yourself.
- Make responsible choices based on love.
- Experience a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and joy in your life.

"Authentic power has its roots in the deepest source of our being.
It cannot be bought, inherited, or hoarded.
It must be created, choice by choice, intention by intention."
- Gary Zukav

Aligning Your Personality with Your Soul
September 21-22, 2024

Only $997
This includes:
- A supportive environment with Gary Zukav with you in each session as you learn, experiment, and integrate new toolsÂ
- Handouts that will support you in creating authentic power after the event - and for the rest of your life
- Interactive virtual event with small group experiences to deepen your understanding
- Focused small group experiments to help you integrate new concepts and tools into your daily life
- A post-event experiment to practice what you have learned and anchor it into your everyday life
- A post-event group Zoom call to ask follow-up questions and share your experiences since the event
Please note: Registration closes Friday, September 13th, 2024. All registrations are final. There are no refunds for this event.
Upon registration you will be sent a questionnaire. You will also be sent all the necessary information for participation, planning, and how to prepare for the event.

Whether this is your first event or one of many, you will deepen your understanding of authentic power and explore new insights and new powerful ways to create it in your life.
Please plan to be fully committed to your participation in the retreat and to attend all of the sessions — for yourself and for the other participants.
During retreat times, prepare to be in a private space, with your camera on, where you will not be distracted and will not be doing other things. So please plan accordingly.
Saturday: 10am - 4:30pm PT*
Sunday: 9am-2pm PT*
October 1st: Zoom Post Event Call 5pm-6:30pm PT*
*Pacific Time (West Coast, USA). The retreat is a live experience; for those in other time zones, please calculate your local time and plan to be in the retreat with us at those times.

This live retreat takes place online in a highly immersive and interactive format that involves your full engagement. Your presence and participation are counted on for the full days, particularly as it includes many small-group activities.
The retreat is designed around a variety of learning experiences, including:
- presentations
- discussions
- small-group activities
- meditations
- Q&As
- intentional deep conversation
So, don’t worry! You will not be sitting in one place staring at a screen the whole time.
Every 45 minutes or so, there are breaks to move, stretch, take a walk, or whatever you need to refresh yourself.
Outside of the formal retreat times, you will have life experiments to test out and apply what you are learning directly in your life.