The Seat Of The Soul Institute Invites You To Explore…

A New 15-Module Course Designed To Support You In Creating With LoveÂ
Even When Fear Is Active Within You

The old human consciousness required us to survive in order to evolve. Surviving required manipulation and control. That is external power.
Yet pursuing external power does not work anymore. Not if we want to build lives of lasting fulfillment.
For instance, have you ever tried pushing your opinion in a relationship by telling them over and over what you believe is right and true? It has happened to most of us – and it’s how we destroy a relationship.
External power is now POISON. Â
Unconsciously acting on your painful emotions, instead of experiencing them fully, is pursuing external power.
That continually creates broken relationships. Perfectionism. Obsessive thoughts that repeat over and over. Addictions. And a never-ending cycle driven by fear.
 Our new call to evolution – the new path to creating a life of fulfillment, meaning, purpose, joy and love – now requires your heart. It requires you to understand power differently.
Authentic power, real genuine power, is the journey of aligning your personality with your soul. Your soul's intentions are harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for Life.
So, if you want to step out of bed every morning to a life aligned with the intentions of your soul…Â

Catch yourself judging, blaming, criticizing, or gossiping
Feel overwhelmed by anger, jealousy, impatience, or anxiety
Long for more meaning and purpose in your life
Feel superior, inferior, entitled, or need to please
Desire deeper and more genuine connections with people
Search for more joy and gratitude in your experiences
Want to forgive, but feel that you can’t
Creating Authentic Power is the way beyond all of these. Authentic power is the new evolutionary requirement – your path to real emotional freedom.
Imagine a life where you act from love even if you are staring eye-to-eye with your greatest fear. Even if you have spent years cut off from people you care about. Even if you have a history of abuse. Even if you feel unworthy of love.Â

➝ Discover and magnify the parts of your personality that bring meaning and delight into your life – whether you think your world is falling apart or your negative emotions are in the driver’s seat
➝ Move beyond the control of destructive parts of your personality that create painful experiences unconsciously and consciously create with constructive ones – so that new doors open for you to find fulfillment
➝ Break free of the parts of your personality that stop you from giving your unique gifts – so that your intuition becomes clearer, your creativity becomes focused, and you can joyfully give the gifts you were born toÂ
Are you ready to bring this power into your life?
The Authentic Power Guidelines course lovingly guides you through every step of creating authentic power in your relationships, work, and all areas of life.
Gary Zukav and Linda Francis share practical examples of the Authentic Power Guidelines that you can apply in your life.
In 15 self-paced modules, you’ll find lessons that include videos, handouts, daily practices, and experiments to support your growth.
How will this course support you to create Authentic Power in your life?Â

➣ Make spiritual growth your highest priority.
➣ Stretch yourself beyond the limited perspective of the frightened part of your personality.
➣ See yourself and others as souls who sometimes have frightened parts of their personality active.Â
➣ Make all your interactions conscious and loving.Â

Learning together with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis throughout the course with supportive audio and video teachings about creating Authentic Power and how to apply those teachings in our daily lives.
Open yourself to learning about who you are and why you react from fear or respond from love so you can create a life of connection, meaning, joy and love instead of anger, anxiety, frustration, and fear.
Experiment with your life by using the lessons to practice what you are learning and see how it changes your experiences.

Jacqui T.
I found forgiveness unbelievably hard until I actually understood authentic power. Once you stand in your authentic power and choose to forgive, your life will never be the same again. My advice... choose today đź’ś

Each of the 15 online modules supports you with different learning styles including:
» Videos
» Readings
» Handouts
» Experiments
» Daily Practices
» Access through a computer or mobile appÂ
All weekly lessons are available as downloads for you to keep and refer back to.
We invite you to revisit them as often as you choose.
For this online course, you will need copies of the following books:Â
The Seat of the Soul, The Heart of the Soul, The Mind of the Soul, and Spiritual Partnership
*If you do not own copies, we suggest you borrow them from a friend or reserve the books through your local library.
The Authentic Power Guidelines Course takes you on an intimate journey of personal exploration, experimentation, and creating authentic power.

Annie C.
Gary your work has come into my life as I am going through a difficult separation that most likely will lead to divorce. I am finding that often my intention in my marriage was fear instead of love. Thank you for making the world better one book at a time.

Landon S.
I've been sober and recovering for 666 days now. Much of the momentum I manifested was due to integrating inner language I learned from your powerful words regarding authentic power and self-compassion and LOVE. Thank you. I am sending big love to you and yours Gary. Namaste.
Gary Zukav for years has conveyed the most complex insights in language all can understand. Over and over, he challenges us to see the depth of our potential in the world and act on that awareness. His gentle presence, humor, and wisdom have inspired millions to realize their greatest potential.

Linda Francis began creating authentic power when she first read The Seat of the Soul in 1989. In 1993 she met Gary Zukav, and they cocreated a spiritual partnership. She brings authentic power and spiritual partnership to life in relevant and connected ways. Her vision of small groups of spiritual partners around the world is becoming a reality.
Linda’s soul returned home to non-physical reality in 2022.
She continues to inspire us and cocreate with us.
Millions of people around the world have benefited from Gary and Linda’s discoveries and sharings about authentic power and spiritual partnership through their activities, events, and books.

Fara N.
I consider you one of my most influential teachers and a genuine human being. The first time I read one of your books, I had tears rolling down my face as my soul was touched in a familiar way. Because of you I am not afraid of death. Your words resonate with me like no one else's. You have brought out all the things my soul already knew but could not conceptualize.

Tesha C.
Your books have brought me so much clarity, awareness and direction.
I cannot extend enough thanks for the insight I have received and the tools you have both given me.